9 April 2020
SMEs can set up and start selling online using Shopmatic’s e-commerce platform
CIMB Bank Berhad and CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad (collectively referred to as “CIMB” or “the Bank”) have announced that they will be providing free webinar sessions with Shopmatic, a leading e-commerce provider in Southeast Asia, to help CIMB’s small and medium enterprise (“SME”) customers to familiarise themselves with all the essentials of setting up their online business. The 60-minute webinar will be held 4 times throughout April and May, and normally costs RM1,500 per session. However, due to the MCO period and acknowledging the challenges faced by SMEs in the current situation, CIMB is offering this free-of-charge for all SME customers with a CIMB Business Current Account/Business Current Account-i.
The webinar sessions, named “Build Your Own Store and Start Selling Online”, will be held on 9 and 23 April as well as 14 and 21 May. Shopmatic’s capabilities will be able to benefit both small businesses, with limited budgets, as well as growing businesses looking for cost-effective ways to expand. Post-training, the platform can already start to sell their products or services.
Victor Lee Meng Teck, CEO, Group Commercial Banking, CIMB Group said, “CIMB is pleased to be doing its bit for the SME business community through these free educational webinar sessions leveraging Shopmatic’s e-commerce platform. We feel that as the industry is pushing for SMEs to start embracing online trading, the sessions would benefit them greatly with valuable help and guidance towards setting up their online store. The platform will help SMEs operate in a practical and more efficient way during these challenging times, where restricted physical mobility need not be an obstacle, both for the businesses and their customers. The scalability of the platform also means that businesses can leverage the full power of this business suite to take advantage of global online business opportunities.”
Shopmatic is an e-commerce platform that enables customers to build a webstore that is completely theirs to run, with a full ecosystem that comprises modules focused on shopping cart, email marketing, payment, logistics, dashboard and mobile optimisation, site builder as well as marketplace & social channels. With these components, customers can enjoy combined advantages including integrated payment, shipping, and selling on channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Lazada, Qoo10. The platform also allows businesses to use as a storefront without a need for a physical shop, with additional convenience of customer data storage.
The partnership between CIMB and Shopmatic was formed in February 2020 as part of CIMB’s three-pronged SME business proposition aimed at providing a complete suite of financing and business solutions to its customers, comprising of SME Financing, SME Transact and SME Partners.
SMEs who are non-CIMB business account holders can also register for the sessions subject to terms and conditions. Information on how to register for the free webinars can be found on https://communitymy.myshopmatic.com/build-your-own-store. Alternatively, SMEs can also drop an email to smepartners@cimb.com.
This initiative is the latest in a series of support initiatives following CIMB’s announcement of its Financial Relief Assistance Programme for SMEs facing challenges owing to COVID-19. These include a 6-month Moratorium Programme on all eligible loans/financing, Bank Negara Malaysia’s Special Relief Facility/-i (BNM SRF/-i), as well Restructuring and Rescheduling options. Customers can access details of these programmes at http://www.cimbbank.com.my/srf19